Patrick Colleran
Trip Leader & Guide

Trip Leader & Guide
Patrick Colleran
What's the best thing about working at The Cycling House?
Aside from getting to ride in amazing places with awesome people, the best part about working at the Cycling House is it's like the greatest hits album of every job I've ever loved but eventually got sick of. At the Cycling House I still get to do the best parts of those jobs but don't have to relive the worst parts. For example: -Barista: I love making coffee and drinking it, but at TCH they don't play polka Christmas music all day for weeks on end. -Taxi driver: TCH guests always carry good conversations and don't drunkenly make out in the back seat when you're trying to ask them where they want to go. -Dishwasher: Daily job at TCH but the chef doesn't throw hot sautee pans at you. -Pizza Cook: That pizza oven rules and it is outside so you don't feel like you're working in a sauna. -Hiking guide: For a sunset hike, there's no need to carry a 70lb pack.
Do you have a favorite ride?
Down in Tucson, I love that Saguaro East loop. It feels like the bicycle version of Mario Kart. Though I've seen a banana peel I haven't seen any turtle shells yet. Hopefully, after a few more laps around that track, I'll see a desert tortoise and it will be just like the videogame.
What is the most memorable day you've had on the bike?
Tough question because there are so many to choose from. One that I think about all the time was while on my honeymoon along the coast in France. We had a long and beautiful ride along beaches and high bluffs overlooking the Atlantic ocean. It was getting dark and we still had ten miles to ride to get to our camp for the night. On the side of the road with no buildings for miles, there was a random vending machine that was glowing in the fading light. My wife wasn't stopping until camp and was picking up the pace even though I yelled "look, it's a pizza vending machine, I need some coins!" She crested the hill out of sight and there was nothing I could do to convince her that we needed to turn back to experience such a once-in-a-lifetime coincidence. Someday I'll go back with plenty of coins, it probably is, after all, the best pizza in the world.