5. I’m going to clean my bike more.
It seems so easy. When you are done riding your bike you simply clean it and lube it up. It just doesn’t happen. Everyone thinks this is a no brainer but we’re all guilty of the “$100 tune up because I ran out of time” effect.
4. Bike commuting.
Every year I tell myself I’m going to bike to work every day. Within a week I’ll have a reason to drive to work. Whether it’s grocery shopping, yard work, or “dangerous conditions” I’m full of excuses.
3. Rides during lunch hour.
It seems good in theory. Just like runners run at lunch cyclists can ride at lunch. It’s much harder in actual execution. 5 minutes to get ready, 10 minutes to get out of town, 30 minutes of riding, and that leaves 15 minutes for actual eating, getting dressed and not smelling like BO at your desk.
2. I’m going to spin more (like Lance Armstrong).
Lance has made spinning a popular secret training technique. You just spin your legs up a climb and you’ll be whooping up on your buddies. Well this works if you have a resting heart rate of 39 and lungs the size of bag pipes.
1. Core Work.
It’s the cyclists Achilles heel. Why do we talk about it so much, and do so little about it. If we acted on this popular topic we’d all be a little faster.