TCH and Garmin have teamed up to offer superior GPS (global positioning system) technology to all of our campers.

We are now offering running and cycling specific Garmin GPS units for our athletes to use during the duration of their stay at TCH…free of charge. Campers will now be able to get fun, but more importantly, valuable training data that will further enrich their stay at TCH and will aid them on their journey to reach their athletic goals. Speed, distance, time, calories burned, altitude, climb and decent, cadence, heart rate, and easy to follow navigation are just a few of the attributes our Garmin GPS units will offer. All of the data our campers collect is easily downloadable for storing and analyzing. We also feel that this is the perfect way to have cyclists, triathletes, and runners field test a great product like Garmin and see if it is a viable training tool for them. The Cycling House is an authorized dealer of all Garmin products so if you have any questions regarding a GPS unit, or if you’d like to purchase one,contact us.

Our Newest Service: Motor Pacing
Take a second and think about the coolest person you’ve ever known. Yes, they had the perfectly disheveled hair, wore the awesome shirt that was ugly until they starting wearing it, and had a way grabbing peoples attention without even speaking, but above all else, they had a motorcycle. On our quest to becoming the leader in endurance training destinations…and the coolest, we introduce to you the newest member of TCH family.
Our mint green and purple 1995 Kawasaki KLR 250 will fill many roles around TCH. First of all, because it has such an awesome paint job and is so stylish, it instantly plugs us into the social pipeline which will be great. Equally as important, our new moto will be replacing the mini van sag support (for smaller groups) and taking over the job of replenishing our riders with water, and fuel. Just like our other sag support vehicles, it will be equipped with extra HED wheels (hopefully some HED Jet 6’s or 4’s), tubes, pump, tools, and a first aid kit for any issues that we might come across while out training. We are still trying to figure out how to equip this motorcycle with 2009 HED Jet Wheels, front and rear. We are still trying to figure out how to put a HED H3 front on it. At nearly 80 mpg it’s a much more fuel efficient way to do sag support. But, we feel that the most exciting thing about our new motorcycle is that we can now offer motor pacing sessions to all of our campers. Motor pacing is one of the most effective ways to build speed and gain overall fitness. Talk to your coach about integrating some motor pacing sessions into your training while at TCH.
Owen and Sam trying to keep a straight face.