Coach Al and Pursuit Fitness hold a stellar camp at TCH

Coach Al Lyman came to TCH last year with a fantastic group of athletes and returned this year- greeted by perfect weather, new roads, and a new pool for training. Everyone had a great time and TCH would like to thank Al and everyone who joined last week for a wonderful time training in sunny Tucson. Here are some great shots of camp by Tim Mather.

The group about to ride Oracle to San Manuel
Coach Al crests the top of Mount Lemmon on day three of the camp
Anya kits up for the cool descent off the top of Mount Lemmon
The mise and place for Thai food on Friday night


Anthony has his tickets
Rachel and Ty heading up the backside of Gates Pass
Al and Linsey seem to find the 16% grade actually is something to laugh about... weirdos.
Anthony and Ernie pose with our Celebrity Guest, Linsey Corbin at the top of Gates Pass
Ty leads the group out to the San Manuel mine