January Hammer Camp is Underway!


Hammer Nutrition crew heading up toward Gates Pass in Tucson, AZ
Hammer Nutrition crew heading up toward Gates Pass in Tucson, AZ

The first Hammer Camp of the season is underway at The Cycling House!  This is the forth year that we’ve hosted Hammer Camps and they keep getting better every year.  In addition to our riding, swimming, running and hangout at The Cycling House, there is an educational element that you can’t really get anywhere else.  With Brian Frank, owner of Hammer Nutrition and Steve Born, their fueling guru around at all times, they are there to help campers get the most out of their nutrition on and off the bike.   

Javelina sighting on the first ride for the Hammer Camp.
Javelina sighting on the first ride for the Hammer Camp.

This is also the first time this season that we’ve had a completely full house which is so fun.  Sam and Andy Schultz are cooking daily for nearly 20 people and the food has been unbelievable (Pictures coming soon).

The group riding from The Cycling House to Saguaro East National Park
The group riding from The Cycling House to Saguaro East National Park

We have a nice mix of both triathletes and cyclists training for the upcoming season. We also have one couple preparing for a big tour through New Zealand!  Jim Bruskewitz (Hammer Camp Coach) has been on site 24/7 fielding questions regarding training schedules and technique and helping ride support on our group rides.   He is also the Globus (pictures coming soon) guy at The House. 

Jen and Brendan riding support
Jen and Brendan riding support

Way more news about this camp soon. We are off to ride Madera Canyon today. Jen and Brendan are outside loading up the vans with bikes and Andy and Owen are pounding out breakfast! Sam is sleeping.