Powertap Discontinues Enve 45/65mm Carbon Wheels

I just found this out yesterday.  Powertap has discontinued the Evne 45mm and 65mm G3 carbon wheels.  They will continue to carry the SES 3.4 and 6.7 Enve G3 carbon wheels.  The biggest difference in the change is that with the 3.4 and 6.7 you cannot buy just the rear wheel.  They will also continue to carry the Powertap Reynolds 46mm G3 wheelset.  Below are some pictures to help clarify the change.  As a consumer you should be able to find a couple sets of 45mm/65mm wheels for the next 6 months as dealers continue let go of stock.

This is the 65mm version of the Powertap Enve G3 wheels. Along with the 45mm they have been discontinued.
Powertap SES 6.7 Enve G3 carbon wheels. 65mm and 75mm. This will be one of the carbon wheelsets moving forward.
Powertap 3.4 Enve G3 wheelset, this will be available moving forward.
Powertap G4 46mm Reynolds Carbon wheelset is available moving forward.