Forrest Boughner
Trip Leader & Guide

Trip Leader & Guide
Forrest Boughner
What is the best thing about working at The Cycling House?
I love the community! Being able to spend a week getting to know and develop friendships with our guests through a shared experience means the world to me. Getting to the top of Mt Lemmon is good. Getting to the top of Mt Lemmon with a group of people is so much better!
Do you have a favorite ride?
Two rides come to mind. Saguaro East is hands down the most fun road loop you could ever do. I love just ripping laps in the Park. But I also love the adventure of the gravel loop out of Patagonia. Catching that first unexpected glimpse of the San Rafael Valley is just awesome.
What is the most memorable day you’ve ever had on the bike?
Gibraltar 2015 - After one of the first ever weeks of TCH Solvang, the guides went on a ride that turned into a massive climbing day with Brendan trying to get me to turn myself inside-out. Partway through the ride we hit the legendary Gibraltar climb out of Santa Barbara. Brendan and I were getting after it a bit, although I was clearly working way harder than Brendan for the same speed. Every time we hit a mile marker Brendan would ask me a math problem that used the numbers on the sign. I was having problems seeing clearly, but still had to try to focus enough to answer some 2nd grade level math. The longer I took to answer, the more Brendan would pick up the pace! I definitely climbed faster than I thought was possible for me, but haven't been able to do math flashcards since."